4 review(s)
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  • High fibre protein drink for body health and support ideal weight loss. 
  • With new improved formulato control and reduce hunger, inceased fullness, reduce craving towards sweet foods, lowered blood sugar level, lowered blood pressure and support effective weight watching.  
  • Contains Stevia, Malt Powder, Sweet Whey, Black Soy Bean, Oat Powder, Coco Powder, Chia Seed, Brown Rice, Protein Pea, Garcinia Cambogia, and multigrain powder. 
  • Sweet whey powder – with no added sugar, the mild seet taste sweet comes from lactose (milk sugar), it is at least 60% less sweet than normal sucrose (regular sugar cane). Good dietary source of high quality protein, highly digestible and absorbed quickly, compared to pthe protein source. Rich in amino acids called leucine which promotes muscle growth, strength and maintanence. High in amino acid called cysteine that can boost body’s natural antioxidant defense by promoting gluthathione production. 
  • Pea protein - rich in BBCA (amino acid) that support muscle growth after workout. Pea protein is digestable compare to whey protein because it doesn’t contain gluten. Those who suffer from bloating or smelly gas can turn to pea powder. Plant based protein contain more benefit that othe resources because low in cholesterol, low in hemoglobin A1c (blood sugar level), and glucose level. It also potential in reducing blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. 
  • Oat contain - fibre that can help slowing down nutrient digestion inside the body. It can help avoid uncomfortable stomach such as constipation. Oat also rich in beta-glucan that immune to reducing cholesterol level inside the body. While protein, vitamin b and omega-3 in oat is good for skin health. 
  • Coco powder – high in antioxidant called flavonols, which improved nitric oxide acid in blood, improves the elasticity of veins and blood vessel & the blood flow, thus reducing blood pressure. Lower the risk of type 2 diabetis by redusing insulin sensitiviy & improved blood sugar level.
  • Brown rice – contains more dietary fiber than refined grains like white rice which, can keep you fuller thus reducing calorie intake per day. Contains lignan and magnesium which reduce cholesterol level, lower the blood pressure and decrease artery stiffness to help reduce heart disease’s risk. Lower glycemic index than white rice for slwoer digested and less impact on blood sugar.
  • Malt extract – rich in vitamin B which helps to metabolize carbs, proteins and fat into energy. Contains calcium, phosphorus and magnesium for bone health and strength. 
  • Chia seed – hisg soluble fiber content which gives them ability to absorb 10-12 times their weight in water, becoming gel like, and expand in our stomach to increase fullness, slow down the absorbtion of food thus reducing calorie intake from over eating. High protein content to lower down appetite and cravings for snacking.
  • Black Soy Beans – classified as dietary fiber, important in weight loss & weight management by functioning as bulking agent in digestive system. Helps prevent constipation & fuel up microbial colony health in digestive tract. Naturally low in sodium, contains potassium, calcium & magnesium which helps decrease blood pressure naturally.  
  • Oat powder – loaded with carbs, fiber, protein, fat, vitamins dan minerals than other grains. High avenanthramides (antioxidant exclusively founds in oats), helps lower blood pressure level by increasing the nitric oxide acid production by dilating blood vessels for better blood flow. Contains beta-glucan which increase the feeling fullness and delay hunger.
  • Garcinia Cambogia – contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA) that can prevent calories from being stored as fats so they can be converted to glycogen for muscle building. Block the production of anzymes that slow down our body metabolism. Helps control appetite thus becomes major appetite suppressant. 
  • Multigrain Powder – consist of various grains powder goods for health such as Brown Rice, Barley, Oat, Sago Starch, Red Bean, Green Bean, Red Rice, Black Rice, Wheat, Black Soy Bean, Corn, Wheat Germ, Wheat Bran, Oat Bran, Glutinous Rice, Sesame, Euryale Seed, Chinese Yam, Poria, Medlar, Lily Bulb, Lilyturf, Lotus Seed, Walnut, and Baby Quinoa.
  • Mix 1-3 scoops into 150ml of hot water and leave for 3-5 minutes before consume.
  • Recommended taken 30 minutes before taking heavy meals to prevent over eating. 
  • Can be taken as breakfast replacement, before lunch and during midnight. 
  • Can be taken along with Female + Coffee or D’Folia Coffee for extra energy and to reduce hunger at same time. 

Whey Manis, Krimer Bukan Tenusu, Serbuk Oat, Susu Skim, Serbuk Koko, Beras Perang, Serbuk Malt, Protein Soya Isolate, Biji Chia, Protein Pea, Perisa Coklat, Penstabil, Serbuk Bijirin, Kacang Soya Hitam, Garcinia cambogia, Agen Antipengoksida, Stevia.

Serbuk Bijirin mengandungi:

Beras Perang, Barli, Oat, Kanji Sagu, Kacang Merah, Kacang Hijau, Beras Merah, Beras Hitam, Gandum, Kacang Soya Hitam, Jagung, Germa Gandum, Sekam Gandum, Sekam Oat, Beras Pulut, Bijan , Biji Euryale, Keladi Cina, Poria, Medlar, Lily Bulb, Lilyturf, Biji Lotus, Walnut, Baby Quinoa)


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Buyers Reviews
13 Mar 2021
23:26:16 PM
Sgt memgenyangkan
03 Aug 2020
11:54:51 AM
Easy Full
1. Very Good for cut craving. Its very works on my body
2. Very good for digestion.
3. Its suits for some people have constipation.
By Ahmad Faisol Abdullah
15 Feb 2020
11:17:01 AM
Rasa coklat sedap
Ambil pagi kenyang lama
By Nurul Haiza Mohd nurol hadi
15 Oct 2019
14:47:22 PM
Kenyang dan memberi tenaga
Saya ambil sehari sekali, 30 minit sebelum makan tengah hari. Rosa coklat yang sangat pekat dan sedap. Sangat recommended. Akan buat anda kenyang sehingga petang bagi menglak pengambilan snacks.
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